Anyone have an opinion on the relationship between classical and "modern" music?
I guess this is primarily for people who listen to different kinds of music. How connected do you think the world of classical music is with mainstream music(I'm not talking about the social climate that leeches on to classical music, just the music itself as representative of the higher apsects of our lives). Which among "mainstream" musicians do you think represents similar ideals in their music? Do you believe in the potential of the rock movement in music to develop to the extent that "classical" did (which took hundreds of years)? Do you think modern musicians are already that good, and if so, why? Does the push to create hits and the commercial pressure to create huge sales numbers stand as a barrier to expanding the emotional reach of "mainstream" music? Or does the "classical" music being written today succesfully represent the qualities of the great musicians of the past? Just a sample of questions that could be discussed on this.